How to Identify Clauses easily?
Is there some trick for that?
plz help me..

by identifying the subordinate clause and main clause

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well actually no trick to identify clause easily read the sentence and find the main clause first then it is easy

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tricks. keep them safe 

noun clause - ask the question "what"

adjective clause - ask the question " which "

adverb clause - look out for words that indicate reason, condition, result, supposition, time, place, etc.! 

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look clauses are of 3 types adverb clause can be identified by time,place
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tricks. keep them safe

noun clause - ask the question "what"

adjective clause - ask the question " which "

adverb clause - look out for words that indicate reason, condition, result, supposition, time, place, etc.!

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yes their is a trick but it is not compulsary in all sentences that 90% of clause starts with conjuction... ...

and it is easy to remmember also that clause starts with c and conjuction also sterts with c
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Convert simple sentences to complex sentences
1- Do you know the cost of this bicycle?
2- I request your help?
3- I have nowher to sit.
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A main clause can stand independently and make complete sense.
A subordinate clause does not form complete sense. It needs more information to complete the meaning.
An easy way to identify a subordinate or a dependent clause is that it starts with a subordinate conjunction(since, until, so that, etc.) or a relative pronoun(who, which, etc.). It has a subject and a verb.
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