How to make 135 degree angle using conpass and pencil plus ruler

Dear Student,

Steps of Construction:

Step 1: Draw a line AB and take a point O on it.

Step 2: Draw an arc with O as centre and any radius, such that it cuts AB in points C and F.

Step 3: Taking C as centre and with the same radius taken in step II, mark an arc which intersect the arc at D. Now, with D as centre and same radius, mark an arc which intersects the arc in E.

Step 4: Taking D and E as centres, draw two arcs which intersect in G.

Step 5: Join OG, which intersects the arc in I. ( ∠GOB = ∠GOA = 90°)

Step 6: Now, taking I and F as centres, draw two arcs which intersect in J. Join OJ. (∠GOJ = 45°)


∠JOB = ∠GOB + ∠GOJ = 90° + 45° = 135°

Thus, ∠JOB is the angle measuring 135°


  • 0
very beautiful 
  • -1
Sorry it is not conpass it is compass
  • 0
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