how to make a fraction in it's lowest term?

Answer :

we follow these steps to get fraction in it's lowest term :

Step 1 :  Break down both the numerator (top number) and denominator (bottom number) into their prime factors.

For example, suppose you want to reduce the fraction 7299. Break down both 72 and 99 into their prime factors:

7299 = 2 × 2 × 2  × 3 × 33 × 3 × 11

Step 2 : Cross out any common factors.

In this example, you cross out both  3 , because they’re common factors — that is, they appear in both the numerator and denominator:

7299 = 2 × 2 × 2  × 3 × 33 × 3 × 11

Step 3 : Multiply the remaining numbers to get the reduced numerator and denominator.

This shows you that the fraction 7299 reduces to 811:

7299 = 2 × 2 × 2  × 3 × 33 × 3 × 11  = 811

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