how to solve numericals relating to mole concept?

Mole concept is an important topic from which many questions can be asked. Regarding the numericals related to mole concept, you first need to know what you have to calculate in the questions. The question can be framed in any way. For example, you may be given the mass of a substance and asked to calculate the number of moles or number of particles in that substance. Similarly, you may also be given the number of particles and asked to calculate the mass of the substance. The questions can also be asked in an indirect way. As long as you remember the following interconversion between the number of moles, mass of substance and the number of particles


you can easily solve the numericals on mole concept. We would suggest that you go through the questions given in chapter tests, models tests, and test generator for this chapter. This will give you ample practice. If you still face any problem, please do let us know.  

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