How to solve this? Ques no 6

How to solve this? Ques no 6 a profile o f Kiran Bedi. the super cop of Ind•a. W a taking the help 01 the clues given below: Around 6S years. robust physique. Pleasing and dynamic personality Ian•i": Second of daughters. born into nn visionar> palenv.•, Bachelor •s licgrec in from Amritsar 1968). Masters in S"tencc Delhi Univcrsio and a PhD degree from Ill Delhi (1993) tennis er, noled worker profession: I he tirS1 woman effcer in 'he elite Indian Policc Service (1972b: The Inspector General Asia's biggest 'ail the in Introduced many classes and programmes [hose on basic education. medilation, yoga besides functions like Ravi SammcIJn•s. dramas and games (rom Has •son President's Gailanlr> Award (1979). Asia Region Award for others Recogmnon• Drug Prevention and Control Ramon Magsaysay Award ( Bharat Gaur-a' Av.ard othcr awarde ne first Indian to hc :tppointeJ 10 the presllg..•us post of Nanons Adviser Set up India vision Foundation to work in thc fictd of prison refonns crime rural developmenl spons promotion. etc. Ques Read tbc line and complc:c the slor> in 150-200 words Give a suitable title to your Last Sunday I was watching TV. Suddenly I heard people shouting outside. Though there is a movement like •Sarvashiksha Ahhiyan• and enrolling of underpri\ ileged chi'dren in schools. therc arc still Inany childrcn. like the one in the Picture. "ho do not go Q hool. rather have never seen schoor It is indeed disturbing You decide to write a Icttcr to ofa newspaper expressing your views and (he Steps to be taken. Write [he Icttcr in about

Chagr active senteces below into passive sentences. Write no change if you think sentence cannot be chaged

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