How traits get expressed from parents to offsprings? Explain with an example


Characters and their traits are controlled by the genes and their alternate forms called alleles. The genes are present in the chromosomes and based on the type of gene of the organism it can be expressed as a visible trait. These chromosomes are inherited from parents when these are passed to gametes during the process of gametogenesis (meiosis) and then combine to form zygote during fertilization. The zygote develops into an organism, and traits are expressed based on the genes inherited. All the genes inherited constitute the genotype of an individual and the expressed traits are the phenotypes of an individual. 

For example, a pea plant which has the genotype TT will express tall trait for the height character. The two alleles, T & T have been inherited from the parents and they give rise to a tall pea plant. Similarly, a pea plant with genotype tt will express dward trait for the height character. 

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