"I am the poem of the earth". Explain.

By these lines the rain is trying to compare itself with poem. The rain says that it is just like a beautiful poem woven by the almighty which not only refreshes the minds of all but also brings cheerfulness and beauty to its origin earth. The  rain just like a poem has a origin and starts its journey as vapours. During the journey the rain does a lot good to the earth's surface. Like, it remove the dust from the surfaces, brings greenery all around, satisfy the thirsts of all. Along with all these, the rain also brings internal satisfaction in minds of all. It  brings the message of love and calmness and help people to forget about their problems for some while and enjoy the rain just like a poem who intends to satisfy the needs of all the readers. Hence the rain is like a beautiful poem which has been originated by earth itself and hence has been called as the rain of earth.

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