I have a project about visit to wholesale market of grains please give me content relating to these subheadings

Source of Merchandise
Types of Buyers and Sellers
Factors Determining the price fluctuations
Seasonal factors affecting the business
Mode of Payment
Disposal of Dead Stock 
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Visit to a wholesale market
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1. Source of merchandise 2. Local market practices 3. Any linked up businesses like transporters, packagers, money lenders, agents, etc. 4. Nature of the goods dealt in 5. Types of buyers and sellers 6. Mode of the goods dispersed, minimum quantity sold, types of packaging employed 7. Factors determining the price fluctuation 8. Seasonal factor affecting the business 9. Weekly/monthly non working days 10. Strikes, if any-causes thereof 11. Mode of payments 12. Wastage and disposal of dead stock 13. Nature of price fluctuation, reason thereof 14. Warehousing facilities avail able/availed
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Can you give me images of project
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Help me the number 1 question

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Visit a wholesale market of grain and prepare a project on it
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I also have this bro
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How it is done

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Ans ne me
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Project on visit to a wholesale market
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My name is Ajeet Kumar
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Amit kumar saini
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Mayetdv gduvdd h stsus yisfs hsugd hsishgd uuvsus
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Please provide me that project
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Source of merchandise 2. Local market practices 3. Any linked up businesses like transporters, packagers, money lenders, agents, etc. 4. Nature of the goods dealt in 5. Types of buyers and sellers 6. Mode of the goods dispersed, minimum quantity sold, types of packaging employed 7. Factors determining the price fluctuation 8. Seasonal factor affecting the business 9. Weekly/monthly non working days 10. Strikes, if any-causes thereof 11. Mode of payments 12. Wastage and disposal of dead stock 13. Nature of price fluctuation, reason thereof 14. Warehousing facilities avail able/availed
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Visit to wholesale market of grains project file answer
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Visit to wholesale market of grains project

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Visit to wholesale market of grains project
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i have a projct on visit to wholesale market of grains
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I have project to visit wholesale market of grains
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