I have marked option 3 because I think the statements (a), (b) and (d) are correct. But the correct option as given in the answer is option number 2..
Can you please tell me which ones are incorrect?

Dear Student,

Ans. Option 2 is correct: Two
That is because statements (c) and (d) are incorrect.

Variation can be defined as the changes in the genetic material or in the alleles of the genes of a population. Variations which are beneficial for the population and help in the better survival of the population are naturally selected. Accumulation of many such variations result in development of new species. Therefore, variation is the cause for evolution.
For example: Let us suppose that a population of bird with long beaks inhabit a new area. In that area, they have food which can be consumed properly with short beaks. Due to certain variations, there are some birds with short beaks in that population. So, in the new area they will survive better and reproduce more, hence there number will increase and slowly they will evolve into a new species.

Since variations that occur in a population are spontaneous and random, therefore they are considered to be directionless. The variations which are helpful in the adaptations of an organism in a particular environment will be passed onto its next generation. On the other hand, natural selection which is the most important and critical evolutionary process is considered to be directional because it follows the path of selection and perpetuation of the individuals that are best fitted in the environment. It leads to survival of the fittest and elimination of those individuals from the population which are not able to withstand the prevailing environmental conditions.
Acquired traits are those traits that are developed during lifetime of an individual. These traits cannot be inherited. For example, a wrestler develops large muscles due to his training program. but this does'nt mean it'll be passed on to his ofspring. In simple terms, acquired traits are skills, knowledge or memory that an individual develops during his/her lifetime.
On the other hand, inherited traits are those traits that are transferred from parents to offsprings. Example, skin colour, eye colour and shape, etc


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