I have problem in finding words with similar meaning in passages.Please provide me with some tips that can be used to tackle this situation.
Also provide some tips on how to attempt our English exam.In which part we should allot more time,etc.

The question may ask you to find a word that is a little difficult. But the word in the question may be easier. So, try to replace the word according to the context. Think about which word would fit in that context and try to understand the difficult words. Make sure you answer the questions you know well first. Literature section contains questions that are directly from your book and the best option would be to attempt those first. Answer grammar soon afterwards, as it would not consume much time. Go ahead with writing section after this as it is time consuming. Finally do the reading part as you ought spent time here, analysing the passage and finding out the answers. I hope you are able to manage time with the above tips.

Thank you.  

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First underline all the difficult or different words in the paragraph then try to analyse which should be the suitable word.
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