i) Plot the points A (0, 4), B (-3, 0), C (0,-4), D (3, 0) (ii) Name the figure obtained by joining the points A, B, C, D. (iii) Also, name the quadrants in which sides AB and AD lie.

(ii) ABCD forms a rhombus
(iii) AB lies on 2nd quadrant
  AD lies in 1st quadrant.

  • 13
(i) hey can tell u that

point A will lie on y-axis i.e 4 units above the origin

point B will lie on x-axis i.e 3 units to the left of the origin i.e to negative side of no. line

point C will lie on y-axis i.e 4 units below the origin i.e to negative side of vertcal no.line

point D will lie on x-axis i.e. 3 units to the right side of the origin

(ii) the figure so formed is RHOMBUS

(iii) AB lies on II quadrant

AD lies on I quadrant

hope that u have got the idea that where are the points on the graph!!!!

  • 7
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