I spend 2/5 of my pocket money during lunch break and 1/8 after school. I also spend 1/6 of the pocket money for my younger brother, which part of money do I spend in all?

Let the total pocket money = Rs. 100

money spent during lunch = 2/5 × 100 = Rs. 40

money spent after school = 1/8 × 100 = Rs. 25/2

money spent on younger brother = 1/6 × 100 = Rs 50/3

Total money spent =

Fraction of the total pocket money spent =

  • -2


The total amount spent by him = 2/5 + 1/8 + 1/6 = 48 + 15 + 20 / 120 = 83/120 part.

Ans: 83/120 part.

  • -1
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