I want the answer for 7 and 12 th one

I want the answer for 7 and 12 th one Ot a - sooo xenctse are d9• and are equal. tind the 6e• and 76ø in tho ratio S 7. , them in the tollowing side AB is and h e quadrilateral • o quadrilateral Given In ABCD. 'C • 6-4• dB • 2(2a d. in the given act) 20 15" and tind tho values 01 b and c. 9. Three angles o' a quadrilateral ate . It the tourth angle is 69• tind the measure equal angles 10. In quadrilateral PORS. 3 : 4 6 7. Calculate each angle otthe quadrilateral and then prove that PO and SR are parallel to each other, (ii) Assign a special name to quadrilater PORS. 11. use the information given in the following figure to tind the value 7.0. 1/The tonowing tigua% snows which sides AB DC are and ZC = * 20)'. find me ral ABCO.

Dear Student,

Please find below the solution to the asked query:

7 ) Given : C  =  64°


D  =  C - 8° =  64°  - 8°  = 56°


A  = 5 ( a  + 2)° = 5 a  + 10°

B  = 2 ( 2 a  + 7)° = 4 a  + 14°

We know : From angle sum property of quadrilateral we know sum of all four internal angle is 360° , So

A + B + C + D = 360° , Substitute values from above and get :

5 a + 10° + 4 a + 14° + 64° + 56° = 360° ,

9 a + 144° = 360° ,

9 a  = 216°  ,

a  = 24°


A  = 5 ( 24° ) + 10° = 120° + 10°  =  130°                                      ( Ans )

Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.

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  • 0
I know the answer for 7th but not for 12th one
  • -1
Answer me 12thone pls
  • -1
I hope this helps you

  • 1
There is answer for 12 ques
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