I want the answer for - Name any 10 animals that live in tropical rainforest and their adaptation to it.

pls. answer fast!

Monkeys and Apes – They have long arms to use the canopies for changing places. In this way they can avoid the surface predators.

Poison arrow Frog – It is deadly poisonous frog with is very brightly colored to warn the predators to leave them alone.


Parakeets and other birds – As there is no sufficient place to fly in a rainforest the birds residing there have wings of specific shape that help them to fly easily along the trees and plants in the forest.


Insects – Insects are the largest group of organisms found in tropical rain forest. Most of them have adapted various types of camouflaging techniques to hide themselves from the oredators.


Three toed Sloth – Sloth has a very slow speed and they grow some type of algae on their body in such manner that their predators fail to find them out.


Toucan – Toucan is a type of bird that has bills specialized to eat nuts and fruits and claws that help it to sit on trees.


Butterfly – Butterflies of rainforests are very bright in colour which helps them to hide themselves easily on flowers and fruits.


Rattle Snake – It is a type of snake that makes sound while moving. This is to warn other animals that it is poisonous.


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Monkeys and apes have adapted cleverly to tropical rainforests. All have long arms to use the canopy to swing through the trees, avoiding ground predators. The little aye-aye, a small Madagascan primate, has evolved to be a nocturnal feeder in order to escape the clutches of predators in the daylight. Its large eyes allow more light in at night, and it also uses echolocation to find its prey in the dark. The aye-aye takes advantage of tall rainforest trees to build his daytime nest for concealment out of the sight of rainforest floor predators. The aye-aye's oddly elongated middle finger evolved to scoop insects from small holes in tree bark where shorter fingers could not reach.


A study by Glenn Tattersall of Brock University in Ontario published by "The American Naturalist" in August 2010 showed that, on average across 214 bird species, 16% of a bird's beak size is accounted for by local annual minimum temperature. Beaks can be significant sources of heat loss, so birds living in tropical areas can afford to have a larger beak than if they were living in colder climes.


The South American jaguar, with its rich rosette camouflage, has developed the ability to swim well in its wet rainforest home. Adaptations of this sort allow the jaguar to find food not only on the ground but in the plentiful rivers and streams of the Amazon, in the form of fish, turtles and caiman. The jaguar has the ability to climb trees to ambush unsuspecting prey walking on the rainforest floor.

A much smaller predator, the Amazon Horned Frog has developed a body that convincingly mimics "leaf litter." The frog uses its brown-green, leafy-looking body to lie amongst piles of dry leaves and ambush its prey for a lazy dinner.

Camouflage is very important to rainforest predators, as is lightning-fast speed when prey is in sight.

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