I want urgent

C. Choose nouns from the box to complete the passage. State the typ of each noun.
description       possessions        strap          pride
strap                  substance          stores       design 
time                  watch                  value          gift

There were two ________ of which James and Della both took a mighty ________. One was Jim's gold watch that had been his father's and his grandfather's. Della visited a hundred  ________ before she found the perfect  ________ for Jim. It was a platinum fob chain, simple and chaste in ________ properly proclaiming its  ________ by  ________ alone and not by ornamentation. I was like him. Quietness and value-the ________ applied to both. With that ________ on his watch Jim might be properly anxious about the ________  in any company. Grand as the gold ________ was, he sometimes

Dear Student,
Given below is the answer to your question.
  1. possessions - collective noun
  2. pride - abstract noun
  3. stores - common noun
  4. gift - common noun
  5. design - common noun
  6. value - abstract noun
  7. substance - common noun
  8. description - common noun
  9. strap - common noun
  10. time - common noun
  11. watch - common noun
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