Ice pieces are floating I a beaker A containing water and also in beaker B containing miscible liquid of specific gravity 1.2 when ice melts the of
A)water in A increases B)water in A decreases C)Liquid in B decreases
D)Liquid in B increases E)water in A and liquid in B remains unaltered

water level in A and B remains unaltered because the ice occupies the volume and the water or liquid level increases 
but when the ice melts the volume decrease but the formation of water after melting stablises the water level

option E
  • -22
Well.. that's what I thought at first, but the question says miscible meaning it would mix with water on dissolution, hence wouldn't the 'liquid' in B rise?
  • 5
beaker A containing water
beaker B containing liquid
The level of water in beaker B will rise when ice melts. Because density of water formed by melting of ice is less than the density of liquid, in beaker B due to this volume of water formed by melting of ice will be more than volume of the ice in a liquid while floating in beaker B  
  • 4
Liquid in B increases
  • -4
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