ideal social order was based on gender distinctions and birthright. Throw some light on this?

Dear Student, 

we are giving some hints to your question.

In the 13th Century, the Sultanates made Delhi into capital. Major area was controlled by Delhi. A language of administration under Delhi Sultanate was written in Persian and was called Tawarikh.  Secretaries, Administrators, poets, and courtiers were involved in the formation of Tawarikh.  They mentioned their history for sultans as they were expecting a reward for that. They gave advice to the rulers to preserve an ideal social order. This order was based on birthright and gender distinctions. 

Birthright Privileges claimed on account of the birth. For example, people believed that nobles inherited their rights to govern because they were born in certain families
Gender distinctions Social and biological differences between women and men. Usually, these differences are used to argue that men are superior to women

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