Identify the stimulus , receptor , coordinator , effector and response for each of the following situations: 1) ducking out of the way of a cricket ball . 2) the smell of food causing a dog to produce saliva. 3) dropping a hot plate that has just been picked up. 4) the sound of a starter gun making an athelete start a race. 5) the taste of bitter food causing someone to spit the food out.

Dear student,
1)ducking out of the way of a cricket ball .

Stimulus-Cricket ball
Receptor- hand
Coordinator- Brain and spinal cord
Effector- muscle
Response- ducking out

2)the smell of food causing a dog to produce saliva. 

Stimulus-smell of food
Effector- tongue and mouth
Response- produce saliva

Kindly post another parts in separate thread to be answered by experts.


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