If 80 km distance travel in 2 litre petrol, how many petrol used to travel 200 km ?

Dear student,

Given for  80km ----> 2 litre petrol
                 200km--->  x
so x = 200 * 2 / 80
x= 400/80
x=5 litres

So we can conclude that 5-litre petrol is used to travel 200km

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80 km is travelled with 2 litre of petrol
So ,200 km requires (200 x 2)/80 which is 5 litres

2 l = 80 km
1 l = 40 km
So 5 l = 5 x 40 = 200
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 80 Km : 2 litre
=200 Km : x
= 80/2
= [40 Km : 1 litre] * 5
= 200 Km : 5 litres
ANSWER : 5 litres of petrol will be used to travel 200 km

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