If a1, a2, a3, 5, 4, a6, a7, a8, a9 are in H.P and D= | a1 a2 a3 |
| 5 4 a6 |
| a7 a8 a9 |
Then find the value of 21D .
[.] = greatest integer function

  • -18
Answer is 50
  • -11
wt d hell !!!!!! where are the steps
  • -11
  • -11
a1,a2...a9 are H.P. Their reciprocal will be A.P. 1/a1,1/a2...1/a9.Then we will take common difference between 1/4-1/5.The answer will be common difference and then will get all terms which we will pit in matrice and will get determinant.Multiplying it by 21 we will het answer
  • -8
Wher is the ans?
  • -6

  • 0
What are you looking for?