If earth-moon distance is 3.8×10^5km,calculate the time (in days)it takes the moon to circle the earth .Mass of the earth is 5.98×10^24kg.

Suppose v is the velocity of the moon. Now centrifugal force will be mv2r. Where m is the mass of moon. Now this force will be equal to the force of attraction between earth and moon and hence we have
GMmr2=mv2rv2=GMrv=GMr=6.6×10-11×5.98×10243.8×108=1019.1 m/s
Here M is the mass of earth and r=3.8×105 km=3.8×108 m is the distance between earth and moon.
Now the total path moon need to travel to complete one revolution is 2πr=2π×3.8×108=2.4×108.
So time taken is t=2.4×1081019.1=2.3×106 s = 2.3×10686400=27.1 day. 

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