If energy is neither created nor destroyed then from where do we get energy?

Dear Student
Kindly find the answer of your asked query.

This is the universal law of energy and due to this law we can transfer  the energy from one to another form.
For Ex. when we  rotate the turbine then we get electricity therefore we get electric energy from mechanical energy.
Hence, energy gets transformed form one form to another form.

Hope this information will clear doubt about energy.
If you have any doubt do ask on the forum our experts will help you out.

  • 17
The standard cosmological answer is the energy was created in the very first instance of the universe by a quantum vacuum fluctuation.  
  • -5
We never get energy
We only convert the forms of energy which was already present in a substance.
For instance, we get electrical energy from thermal power plant. The thermal power plants burn Coal. Coal is created by Carbonisation of plants, which in turn contain the energy of Sunlight. So, when it is burnt, it releases the energy as Heat and Light energy, which gets converted to Kinetic Mechanical Energy, which again converts to Electrical energy...
  • -1
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