if the area of quadrilateral whose angular points taken in order are (1,2) (-5,6) (7,-4) and (h,-2) be zero, show that h=3

i am guessing that this could be proven using the formulae for finding the area of triangle which u learnt in class 10 as draw the quad. divide it through the diagonal into 2 triangle find thier area separately then add them and put it =0[given in qustion provided by u] and then finding corresponding value of h.
  • -11
This If the area of the quadrilateral whose angular point taken in order are 12 - 5 6 7 - 4 and 8 - 20 so that is equal to 3 If the area of the quadrilateral whose angular points taken in order are 12 - 567 minus 4 and x minus 2 be zero so that is equal to 3

  • 1
if the area of quadrilateral whose angular points taken in order are (1,2) (-5,6) (7,-4) and (h,-2) be zero, show that h=3
  • -1
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