If the cerebellum is not functioning properly;what are the activities of our body affected?

Dear student.

Cerebellum is involved in the coordination of voluntary motor movement, balance and equilibrium and muscle tone.It also coordinates the contraction of voluntary muscles, according to the directions of the cerebrum and responsible for maintaining the posture and equilibrium of the body. Thus if cerebellum is not functioning properly, all these functions will be affected.


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We can cycle , dance etc means we cant do any activity.
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*can not
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 Cerebellum controls the voluntary action of our body. So, if it is not functioning properly, voluntary actions of our body like maintaining the posture, balance, etc., will be affected. 
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The balance,movement and coordination which helps in overall body balancing will be affected.
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Cerebellum helps us to balance our body..Example=When a person drinks alcohol he/she is not able to walk straight as their cerebellum is affected at that time..Ultimately cerebellum helps us to walk in a straight line and helps in maintaing the balance of our body..
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