If the chromosome number of a plant species is 16, what would be the chromosome number and the ploidy level of the (i) microspore mother cell and (ii) the endosperm cells(iii) mesophyll cell (iv) antipodal cells?

Chromosome number (n) = 24 

(i) Ploidy of microspore mother cell is diploid (2n). Chromosomes number would be 48.
(ii) Ploidy of endosperm is triploid (3n). Chromosome number would be 72.
(iii) Ploidy level of mesophyll cell is diploid (2n). â€‹Chromosomes number would be 48.
(iv) Ploidy level of antipodal cells is haploid (n). Chromsome nuimber would be 24.

  • 9
 If the chromosome number of a plant species is 24, what would be the chromosome number and the ploidy level of the (i) microspore mother cell and (ii) the endosperm cells(iii) mesophyll cell (iv) antipodal cells?
  • sorry the chromosome no. is 24 
  • 5
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