If the consumption of petrol be x litres and the corresponding distance travelled be y km, then complete the following table:-

Petrol in litres (x) 4,8,12,15,20,25,30.

Distance in km (y) 60,_,180,_,_,_,_.

complete the table

Given Consumption petrol and distance travelled as

Petrol (x) -------------- 4------ 8------ 12------ 15---- 20---- 25 ---- 30

Distance in Km (y) ---60 --- __----- 180---- __ -----__ ----__ ----__

As with increase in petrol distance travel increases it is a direct variation

Therefore x1/ y1 = x2/y2 or y2 = x2 * y1 / x1

Here x1 = 4, y1 = 60

Now for x2 = 8; y2 = 8*60 /4 = 120

for x2 = 12; y2 = 12*60 /4 = 180

for x2 = 15; y2 = 15 *60 /4 = 225

for x2 = 20; y2 = 20 *60 /4 = 300

for x2 = 25; y2 = 25 *60 /4 = 375

for x2 = 30; y2 = 30 *60 /4 = 450

Therefore the table can be written as

Petrol (x) -------------- 4------ 8------ 12------ 15---- 20------ 25 ---- 30

Distance in Km (y) ---60 --- 120---- 180--- 225----300 ----375----450

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