If there is no water was possible who can we live

Dear Student,
Water is one of the important gifts of nature and it forms the basis of life. It is essential for our survival. No organism can  survive without water. Some important functions of water in our body are as follows:
  1. It helps in digestion, absorption and transportation of food.
  2. It helps to maintain good health as it removes toxic wastes from our body.
  3. It helps to maintain proper muscle tone.
  4. It helps to transport oxygen and nutrients to the cells.
  5. It helps to regulate the temperature in body.
  6. We use water in our daily activities like drinking, bathing, cooking, washing, gardening, etc. 

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The human body needs a lot of water to function correctly, and a person may only survive a few days without it. Many other factors, such as a person's activity levels and their environment, also play an essential role, so there is no reliable way to tell how quickly someone would die from dehydration.

Dehydration happens quickly, causing extreme thirst, fatigue, and ultimately, organ failure and death. A person may go from feeling thirsty and slightly sluggish on the first day with no water to having organ failure by the third.

Dehydration does not affect everyone in the same way. Each person will have a different tolerance level to dehydration and may be able to survive without water for longer or shorter periods than someone else

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