If there was no fake governer, then why did the governer say to stephens that it wasnt him who rang him at 11:22....??? And Jackson says at 11:22 that it was the governer and wanted to speak to stephens ??

When the examination was about to end at 11:25 a.m. Jackson received a call at 11:22 a.m. just 3 minutes before when the examination was about end, certainly it was a fake call that Evans friends made so that in cell Evans was able to give a finishing touch to his make-up as Stephens was busy with the governor on call & no one was peeping through cell to check out that everything is right or not. It was not the governor who called at 11:22 a.m. because at that time he was busy in contacting the Examination's Board at 11:22 a.m. .

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Just before when the examination was
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Thanks Rudra ??
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The two question marks are actually a thumbs up emoji, but it didnt come...
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