If we buy 2 tickets from station A to B, and 3 from station A to station C, we have to pay Rs.795. But 3 tickets from station A to B and 5 tickets from A to C costs a total of Rs.1300. What is the fare from station A to staion B and from station A to C?

Please help me with this question! :)

let AtoB=X and AtoC=Y so now the required eqaution will be

2X+3Y=795------first equartion

3X+5Y=1300-----------second equation

now you got two pairs of eqaution and you can use any of three methods i.e. substitution or elemination or cross multiplication.

And you arrive at Y=215 and X=75

ans.Fare from AtoB is 215 and

Fare from AtoC is 75.

I hope i have answered your question correctly!

  • 16

Thanks!!!! You actually did the question ri8!!!! :D

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