(ii) Figure shows a plot of current I flowing through the cross-section of a wire versus the time t. Use the plot to find the charge flowing in 10 sec through the wire.

Dear Student ,
Here in this case for the triangular part the current flowing through it is , I' =12×5×5=252A
Again for the rectangular part the current flowing through it is , I" = 5 x 5 = 25 A
So the total current is , I = 25 + 12.5 = 37.5 A

  • 58
charge=current X time
from 0 to  5 sec=the average value of current is (0+5)/2=2.5A
here charge=2.5 X 5=12.5  C
from 5 to 10 sec=the average current is (5+5)/2=5 A i.e current remains constant at that time
here charge=5 X 5=25 C
total charge =12.5 +25=37.5 C
  • 19
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