imagine that you are macro polo. write a diary entry,describing your stay in kublai's khans court at Peking.

Dear Diary,

I have already become a favourite with the Khan because of my linguistic skills and he has appointed me to high posts in his administration. My task is to serve at the Khan's court and go on special missions in China, Burma and India. I have seen many places on my journey unknown to any other pair of European eyes. The capital is beautiful, called Cambaluc or Khanbalig, meaning the 'city of the Khan.' This new city, built because astrologers predicted rebellion in the old one is the most magnificent in the world. The summer palace in particular is exquisite. The walls are covered with gold and silver and the Hall is so large it can accommodate thousands of people. The Khan keeps a stud of ten thousand speckless white horses whose milk is reserved for the family and for a tribe who won a victory for Khan. The fie marble palace has gilded rooms adorned with figures of men and beasts. All this is so new to me, it beggars belief and then there are other wonderful things here like paper currency, coal and the imperial post. Kublai Khan intends to induct me into the Privy Council eventually, an unimaginable honour for me.

Marco Polo

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