Imagine yourself to be Kezia. Write a diary entry expressing your feeling for being beaten and punished for tearing your fathers great speech.

Suppose you are kezia write a page of your diary expressing your feeling after the punishment
  • -14
Suppose u qre the little girl write a diary entry
  • -9

  • -7
write yourself kezia and write a diary entry and expessing your lating,emotion and your relation with your father
  • -4
I want this answer

  • -5
This is the answer of the above question.

  • -2
2nd page

  • -1
were is your answers you idiots 
  • -2
Imagine yourself to a gandhi ji write a dairy entry express your fellings after to writing a letter to repentance to your father.
  • 2
Beaten by her father write a dairy entry
  • 2
  • -1
Imagine yourself to a gandhi ji write a dairy entry express your fellings after to writing a letter to repentance to your father.
  • -3
  • -3

  • -1
Where is first page
  • 3
Is this formal letter
  • 1
  • -1
Suppose you are kezia write a diary entery sharing your change of heart for your father
  • -1
i don't know
  • 0
i don't want to answer
  • 1
  • 0
?? ????? ??
  • -1

  • 1
What are you looking for?