In a debate competition, mention your views in favour or against the topic: "Can you change your personality?" 

Personality defines us and how we interact with the world.  Though there are different theories about what personality really is and how our basic personality traits are first formed,  the general consensus is that personality is shaped by early life experiences and tend to stay stable over time.  According to the most widely accepted model of personality, there are five basic personality dimensions that can define us as individuals.  Each of the"Big Five" traits, openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism, have a cluster of related traits that shape our emotions and behaviours in a wide variety of situations. 

The personality traits we have as adults tend to grow out of the kind of temperament we had as infants and toddlers.   Much like the Big Five adult personality factors, there are also different kinds of temperament that seem to arise out of the interaction between our genetics and the upbringing we receive as children.   Also, differences in temperament can also influence how children are treated by caregivers and children their own age.  This can result in children having life experiences that can reinforce early differences in temperament and lay down the kind of personality they have as adults. It can also lead to their developing dysfunctional personality patterns that can develop into full-blown personality disorders later in life.  

That said, personality changes can still occur depending on new life experiences.   People who have experienced severe emotional trauma or life-changing events can experience significant personality changes as well. Even the kind of social roles we take on can change personality.   First-time parents or people heavily invested in new jobs can find themselves becoming more conscientious as their new responsibilities force them to change how they think, feel, and behave in general.   People in new romantic relationships can find themselves becoming more conscientious about their partners' well-being as their perspective on the world changes.   As our lives change, so do our personalities. 

For that matter, simply growing older can mean significant personality changes.   As we become more mature, we (usually) become more agreeable, conscientious, and develop greater emotional stability.   Growing more comfortable with our sense of self, our personality can change as well to match how we see ourselves.  With this in mind, many different treatment methods aimed at dealing with personality disorders such as antisocial or histrionic personality disorder usually involves teaching patients how to alter destructive personality patterns. These personality patterns are often extremely difficult to change but it typically depends on how motivated people are to try. 

But do most people really want to change their personalities?   While we tend to admire people who are more extraverted or conscientious than we are, how many of us are really willing to put in the effort to make the kind of long-term changes that can alter personality traits?  According to a recent research study by psychologists at the University of Illinois most people are dissatisfied with their own personality and wished to change in a more positive direction.   For each of the Big Five personality factors, only thirteen percent reported being satisfied with themselves as they were. 

As for whether people really can alter their personality traits, the evidence is a little more controversial. Though many people try to change their personalities, either through counseling or by developing their own self-improvement program, e.g., taking public speaking courses to become more social and outgoing, it's still debatable how effective these approaches are in the long run.   With this in mind,  Nathan Hudson and R. Chris Fraley of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign conducted a study to see whether research subjects could change measurable aspects of their personality.  

Their study, which was recently published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,  involved two experiments using adults recruited from an introductory psychology class.  In the first experiment, one hundred and thirty-five participants were told that they were part of a "personality study" that took six weeks to complete.  

At the beginning of the study, each participant was told about the Big Five personality factors and rated  themselves on each factor using an  online rating form on the study website.   They were then asked to decide how many personality traits they wanted to change over the course of the study.   That included coming up with different ways of achieving this change and their progress was measured using weekly online sessions.  Half of the half of the participants in the personality change group also took part in a "change plan" condition in which they were asked to complete a brief writing task  asking "what it would look like if you attained your desired changes . . . . The purpose of this step is to envision what specific changes you would like to make.”    In weekly sessions, they were reminded of their goal and completed additional writing assignments to measure their progress.     Half of the participants in the study were placed in the control condition and simply given feedback on their personality and completed assignments in what the results meant.

In the second experiment,  with a similar,number of participants, Hudson and Roberts replicated their first experiment but focused on changes in daily behaviour that were linked to the personality traits that participants wanted to change.  They also used more comprehensive personality rating measures to reinforce the personality change process.

What the researchers found was that participants were able to make significant personality changes over the course of both 16-week studies.   For example, people who wanted to become more extraverted tested as being higher in extraversion by the end of the study period.  Along with changes in how they responded to personality testing, they also reported significant changes in their daily behaviour which matched the personality changes they wanted to make.   As one example, people who described themselves as being more extraverted by the end of the study also reported interacting more easily with other people and doing daily activities that matched their more extraverted nature. 

Even using comprehensive change plans and weekly booster sessions, the actual amount of personality change that took place was modest at best however.  Despite guidance from researchers, sixteen weeks was likely not long enough for comprehensive personality changes to occur.   Still, as Hudson and Fraley point out, changing patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving can eventually lead to permanent changes in different personality traits.   One possible reason for this kind of personality change is that people often change their very social identity as well, including how they see themselves.  In other words, people who see themselves acting more extraverted may come to view themselves as being more extraverted as a result.

And what do these results suggest?   Over the course of our lifetime, we often become more agreeable and conscientious due to greater emotional maturity.  Is this just a natural part of aging or do our personalities change because we work to make ourselves more agreeable and conscientious?   Recognizing that personality can be changed can lead to more effective treatment for people with personality problems as well as helping to overcome resistance to change.   All too frequently, patients insist that they are incapable of change when actually they are either unwilling or afraid to try. 

Despite their positive findings, Hudson and Roberts warn that their results are based on self-report and that the length of time involved was likely too brief to ensure permanent personality changes in many people.   Still, people appear capable of altering personality traits if they are motivated to do so and take part in psychological interventions that can help with the change process.  

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yes, personality can be changed just by little efforts . It inclueds our speaking manner ,food eating habits, dressing manner ,common sense ,our phsical,mental health .it takes account of our daily activities .personality change with our age .firstly think what you want to change than all we know practice makes a men perfect. ''beliefs matter,belifs can be changed and so your personality too.
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I would like to speak in favour of the topic.
First of the all ask the question to yourself about "What Is Personality?"
Answer to it it: According to warren Personality is the entire Mental Organisation of the human being at any stage of his development.
now coming to the topic, everyone has a unique personality. It refers to persistent quality of an individual. Personality is greatly influenced by social interaction.Every human being's personality type changes according to the environment they are dealing with. For instant if a person is his working place place his personality will differ from his personality in home.
Personality is the first impression of every human being. We make a perception about a person we have just met by their personality type in front of us. If the person is rude in the first meet we assume them to have a harsh personality on the other hand if a person is polite in the first meet we assume them to be a well behaved person. But our perceptions can be wrong, this is because the person with rude personality can be actually a sweet person but as he had a stressful day hence he wants his privacy for a while at the end of the day and so he behaved rude and on the other hand the person with decent personality can be actually rude but he was just prepared for his first meet and so he kept all under control even in the frustrated moments. we can see that personality changes frequently, and we control it. Personality type also changes according to our interest. If we have affection towards a person we will automatically develop a good personality or it can be vice-versa. It takes a lot of time when you try to change your personality at a whole new level. Some personality types are instinctual and its difficult to change on the other hand social personality can be changed easily according to the situations you are being to. Along with your personality your thinking style changes. It can vary from narrow minded people to broad minded people. Until and unless you wanna become like others its better you follow your true personality with no filters on it. Just be your true self. People are basically recommended to change their personality when they feel low every time and depressed coz this can create a severe health issue later. So to such people it is suggested to listen to motivational speeches and change their personality type from it to something better which will give them a healthy life.
So I would like to conclude that even though Personality can be changed, change it for the good and not for something which you will regret for later.
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