In a hydraulic pressure a piston of cross sectional area 100 cm is used to exert a force of 150 N on water for cross sectional area of the position which will support the mass 100 kg.

Dear Student,

Please find below the solution to the asked query:

Consider the Hydraulic lift as shown in the below figure,

So, if a force f is applied at piston C having area of cross section area is a. Therefore, The pressure given on water at the piston is,

P = fa.

According to Pascal's law, this pressure is equally transmitted to the other piston. So,

So, if the other piston is used to lift a weight W, then P = WA.
Where A = area of cross section of the piston D.


fa = WA.

Given that,
a = 100 cm2​; f  = 150 N and W = 100 kg.


A = Waf  A = 100×10×100150  A = 10415 cm2  A = 666.67 cm2 = 0.067 m2.


Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.

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