In a random arranngement of the letters of the word " COMMERCE " , find the probability that all vowels come together ..

In the given world COMMERCE, repeating letters are C, M, E(each is repeating twice)


Let A be the event that the vowels come together.


So the word will be of the form C(OEE)MMRC


The number of favourable cases = {Number of ways in which 6 letters (taking vowels as a unit) can be arranged} × (Number of ways in which vowels can be interchanged between themselves)

Hence, the probability of getting vowels together is–


  • 15

Vowels = O, E, E. Group them up in a unit, say X

So we have C,,M, M, R, C, X which we can permutate in { 6! } / { 2! 2! }  = 180  , the 2! in denominator account for repetition of C and M twice.

In 'X', we can permutate OEE in 3! / 2! = 3 ways, 2! in demonitor accounts for repetition of E twice.

Total ways of permutating letters of COMMERCE is { 8! } / { 2! 2! 2! } = 5040

Hence, Prequired = ( 180 x 3  ) / 5040 = 3/28

  • 5
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