In a rectangle of dimension 14*7,  Two semicircles are drawn by taking midpoints of the lengths of the rectangle as the centres.

Find the area of rectangle which is not common to both of these semicircles.

Hi Aman!
Here is the answer to your question.

PQ = QR = PR = 7 cm each
∴ ∠RPQ = ∠RQP = 60°
Area (RXQTR)
= area (sector PURXQP) – area ∆PQR
Area of the region included to both the semicircles
= 2area (PQXRYPQ)
= 2 [area (RXQTR) + area (PQRYP)]
Area of the region not common to both of the semicircles
= area of rectangle ABCD – area common to both the semicircles
Hope! You got the answer.

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thank you so much!!

but please do reply fast...actually i needed this question urgently but you replied so late!!! :(


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