In a school , 5/8 of the students are boys and their are 240 girls. Find the total number of boys in the school

In his case we must first find the total no.of students which in fraction will be 8/8. So the no. of girls will be 8/8-5/8=3/8. Now 3/8*x =240(we will not take 5/8 as it is the fraction for boys)We therfore only have to solve the equation now.SO
3x=240* 8
x=640(total no. of students)
SO boys = 5/8*640=240)                               please like akshat .
  • 8
let the total no. of students = x
so no. of boys = 5x/8
and number of girls = 240

x - 5x/8 = 240
(8x - 5x)/8 = 240
3x/8 = 240
3x = 240*8 = 1920
x = 1920/3 = 640
Hence if the total number of students 640 
than number of boys = 5/8*640 = 400 (Answer)

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No. of boys =5/8
No. of girls =240
Let total no. of boys be x , then
Let the total no. of students be 8/8, then no.of girls= 8/8 - 5/8
Now, total no. of students=3/8*x=240
Total no. of students =640
Therefore ,total no. of boys=5/8*640
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