in a successive measurement of the period of oscillation of a simple pendulum , the readings turn out to be 2.63s ,2.56s , 2.42s , 2.71s , 2.80s . calculate absolute error , relative error percentage error ?

The observed or measured values of time period are: t1=2.63 s,  t2=2.56 s,  t3=2.42 s,  t4=2.71 s,  t5=2.80 s.
The mean period of oscillation of the pendulum

tm=2.63+2.56+2.42+2.71+2.805=13.125=2.624 s

As the periods are measured to a resolution of 0.01 s, all time periods are given to the second decimal place. Therefore, it is proper to put this mean time period also to the second decimal place.

So,          tm=2.62 s

The absolute error in the measurement are :

tm-t1=2.62-2.63=-0.01 stm-t2=2.62-2.56=0.06 stm-t1=2.62-2.42=0.20 stm-t1=2.62-2.71=-0.09 stm-t1=2.62-2.80=-0.18 s

Mean absolute error, Δtmean=0.01+0.06+0.20+0.09+0.185=0.545=0.11 s

So, the time period of simple pendulum is


It means, t lies between 2.62+0.11s and 2.62-0.11s or between 2.73 s and 2.51 s.

The relative error, δa=±0.112.62=±0.041

The percentage error,

δ a×100=±0.041×100=±4.1%


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