In an office 37 people prefer x drink, 32 people prefer y drink and 41 people refer z drink. Also, 5 employees prefer all the types of drinks and 15 people prefer
atleast two types of drinks. If each of the employees prefer at least one type of drink , then how many employees are there in the office?

Dear Student,
Please find below the solution to the asked query:

According to question:nX=37nY=32nZ=41nXYZ=5According to question, 15 people prefer atleast two types of drinks. Atleast two means two or more than two,nXY+nYZ+nZX-2nXYZ=15nXY+nYZ+nZX-10=15nXY+nYZ+nZX=25We know thatnXYZ=nX+nY+nZ-nXY+nYZ+nZX+nXYZ=37+32+41-25+5nXYZ=90Hence there are 90 employees in the office.

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