In anuched lekhan how many paragraphs do we need to write if if are given anuched lekhan topic in exam hall and word limit is 80 to 100 words so in that case how many paragraphs do we need to write the anuched lekhan also do we need SUITABlE title of anuched lekhan ?????????also how many lines we have to write in 80 to 100 words ???in any anuched lekhan topic i am confused hindi meritnation experts i need my ans as soon as possible plz help me ????

मित्र अनुच्छेद लेखन में आप केवल एक अनुच्छेद ही लिखिए। यदि आप एक वाक्य में 10 शब्द लिखते हैं, तो आपको  8 या 9 वाक्य लिखने होंगे। अनुच्छेद लेखन में शीर्षक तो आपको प्रश्न में दिया गया होगा। 

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