IN chapter Topi Shukla, what is the meaning of "Neele Tel Wale"?

@needhi- it's just a SIRNAME !

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no it is not...i too want the meaning...its meaning is sumthng else 4 sure...

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i think its blue oil..............!!

the meaning of that sentence in page 43 is

Dr.Brug narayan stood with blue oil..............!!!

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This means that he was a Vetenary doctor (Blue cross).

Hope this helps u...........

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 Topi's father was a doctor. In those days, doctors were known by the color of the medicines they prescribed. Neele Tel waale refers to the color of the oill he usually prescribed to his patients.

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it is the color of the medicine/oil

there is another man in the story with

lal tel wale

lal tel and neela tel reffers to thecolour of the medicine/oil they discoved

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