In drosophila, vestigial wings and ebony colour are due to two separate recessive genes. The dominant alleles are normal(long) wings and normal(grey) bodycolour.what type of offspring would you expect from a cross between heterozygous normal ebony female and vestigial ebony male? show the cross and mention the genotype and phenotype.

Let us denote the allele for normal wing as L

Let us denote the allele for vestigial wing as l

Let us denote the allele for grey colour as G &

Let us denote the allele for ebony colour as g

The genotype for a normal ebony female that is heterozygous for the normal wing trait would be Llgg as ebony trait is recessive it should be in homozygous condition to express itself. The gametes formed would be Lg or lg.

The genotype for vestigial ebony male would be llgg as both these traits are recessive and need to be in a homozygous state. The gamete formed would be lg.

Lets make a cross:

  Lg lg
 lg Llgg llgg


You can see the genotype obtained after cross and the phenotype of half of the offsprings would be normal ebony and the other half would be vestigial grey.

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