In electrolytic refining, "The more basic metal remains in the solution and the less basic metal goes to the anode mud"...pls explain this statement...

dear student
lets understand this statement via example of copper
In electrorefining of copper, there is transfer of pure metal from anode to the cathode . The voltage applied for electrolysis is such that the impurities of more basic metals (more electropositive metals) remain in solution as ions whereas impurities of the less basic metals(less electropositive metals) settle down under the anode as anode mud. So the impurities of iron, nickel, zinc, and cobalt present in blister copper being more electropositive pass into solution  as soluble sulphates while the impurities of antimony, selenium, tellurium, gold, silver and platinum being less electropositive are not affected by CuSO4-H2SO4 solution and hence settle under the anode as anode mud.

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