In example no 3.6 at page 116 of NCERT Physics, the value of R is found to b 5/6 ohm.. bt i think that it's incorrect.. it shud b 5/4 ohm...

Even if v put the valur of R=5/6 ohm in the formula I=V/R then v dnt get the current I as 4 A.. But on putting R=5/4 ohm, v get the correct value of I too. So it shud b 5/4 and not 5/6....

Isnt it.....????????

Solution of ncert is correct with good explanation, please go through it more carefully.
For R = 1 Ω, 

Req = (5/6) Ω and for ε = 10 V,

 the total current (= 3I ) in the network is
3I = 10 V/(5/6) Ω  = 60/5 = 12 A,

 i.e., I = 4 A

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