In generally observed that the children who had suffer from chicken -pox in their childhood may not contact the same disease their adulthood. Explain the reasom the basis of such immunity in an individual. Name this type of immunity

Dear Student,

This type of immunity is called acquired- active immunity. Acquired immunity is pathogen-specific. It is characterised by memory. When our body encounters a pathogen for the first time produces a response called primary response which is of low intensity. A subsequent encounter with the same pathogen elicits a highly intensified secondary or anamnestic response. This is because our body appears to have a memory of the first encounter. This is why a child once affected by chicken-pox does not get the disease again. When the disease affected the child the first time antibodies are produced in the host body. They act on subsequent encounters. This type of immunity is called active immunity.  The child's immune system will recognise the pathogen when it enters the second time and destroys the pathogen before it spreads the disease. So it is due to both acquired and active immunity that chicken-pox doesn't occur in the adulthood or second time.


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Acquird active immunity which can be developed after disease in same way like vaccination in our childhood.
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