In her annual examinaton geeta scored 39marks out of 60 in english and 51out of 75 in hindi :in which suject her perfomance was better (hint :find the percentage of marks obtained in each subject

In her annual examinaton geeta scored 39marks out of 60 in english and 51out of 75 in hindi :in which suject her perfomance was better (hint :find the percentage of marks obtained in each subject pug '88 sem Kep e uasaad JO 'Kap e a.ze Jeq,AA 'Ot.zetu g Äq pug anoas seq Juapms v 'uogeuguexa ul '9 i pat!ÜJ •passed •pa.readde sguaprus 0981 uogeugugxe [1B •po.teodde 0+9 'uogeuguexa UB u! paup;qo amuuao.zad puw : .u!HJ uogeuguexo venuue .zaq ul Oafi Oq mp S't.zetu 0 01 aq. 'Ism ssep g 2018-7-1915:36

Dear student,
Marks scored in English=39Total marks=60% of english=3960×100=3906=65%Marks scored in Hindi=51Total marks=75% of Hindi=5175×100=513×4=17×4=68%Thus in Hindi Geeta scored better.

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