in my grammar prefect continuous is not there ?

Dear student 

Perfect continuous tense describes an action or an event that has been started by the speaker, but has not been finished yet. It can be present perfect continuous, past perfect continuous and future perfect continuous 

1. Present perfect continuous can be formed by following the structure - ​Subject  +  has/have been  +  verb+ing. 

It refers to a point of time between 'before now' and 'now'.

For example:

I have been playing.
You have been playing
He has been reading.
She has been reading
We have been walking.
They have been walking. 

2. Past perfect continuous can be formed by following the structure - Subject  +  had been  +  verb+ing​

It refers to a point of time in the past, earlier than 'before now'. 

For example: 

I had been playing. 
You had been playing
He had been reading.
She had been reading
We had been walking.
They had been walking

3. Future perfect continuous can be formed by following the structure - Subject  +  will have been  +  verb+ing​. 

It refers to unfinished events or actions in a time between 'now' and some future time.

For example: 

I will have been playing. 
You will have been playing
He will have been reading.
She will have been reading
We will have been walking.
They will have been walking

We hope this explains and clarifies the topic 'Perfect continuous'. If you have any queries, please feel free to ask us and we will answer them as soon as possible. 


  • 2
you should ask it in feedback
  • 0
Ask in feedback.. Or just contact Or just tell the meritnation support to help .. They will fix it..
  • -1
You should ask a feedback
  • -1
you should say on feedback 
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