In one state, the number of bicycles sold in the year 2002-2003 was 7,43,000.In the year 2003- 2004, the number of bicycles sold was 8,00,100.In which year were more bicycles sold? and how many more?

Ans : 57100

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In 20003-2004 the bicycles were sold more.
= 800100-743000
= 57100
  • 1
Number of bicycles sold in year 2002 - 2003 = 743000
Number of bicycles sold in year 2003 - 2004 = 800100
Year in which more bicycles = 2003 - 2004
How much = 800100 - 743000 = 57100
  • 2
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In year 2003-2004 
57100 more bicycles wree sold
  • 0
2003 2004
  • 0
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