In test tubes A and B, yeast was kept in sugar solution. In test tube A added a thin film of oil and test tube B kept opened. Which product of respiration would you expect in the test tubes A and B.

Yeast is a single celled facultative anaerobe fungus. This means that it can release energy from food through anaerobic or aerobic respiration.
In test tube A there is a thin film of oil which does not allow the movement of oxygen inside the test tube hence yeast will not get oxygen to carry out aerobic respiration. Hence it use the sugar solution to carry out anaerobic respiration (fermentation) whose end product is alcohol and carbon dioxide. Thus product of respiration in test tube A is alcohol.
In test tube B there is no thin film of oil hence oxygen will go inside the test tube and yeast will use the sugar solution to carry out aerobic respiration whose end product is carbon dioxide and water. Thus product of respiration in test tube B is carbon dioxide and water.

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