In the 9th history book (ncert), There is activity on page 13.

Please 🙏🙏🙏 answer the following,

Imagine the impact of the events in France on neighbouring countries such as Prussia, Austria

  1. The events in France, especially the assertion of equality and power by the masses would have rattled the clergy and noblemen in all these absolute monarchies.
  2. The French revolution would have been seen as the first widespread movement which sought abolition of the monarchy because it was unjust.
  3. The widespread participation of peasants and women would have raised alarms in monarchies all around.
  4. The traders would have felt alarm at the opposition to high prices in France and yet would have felt excited at the prospect making more money due to the turmoil in France by hiking prices for their wars.
  5. The clergy in all monarchies would have felt threatened as the clergy was the worst among the rent seekers in society, threatening the peasants of a boycott while collecting heavy taxes.

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